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  3. Mavryx API Reference
  4. Response Codes

Response Codes

Mavryx strives to maintain compatibility with response codes from HTTP, additional codes are available in the JSON response header.

Api CodeApi MessageHTTP CODEHTTP MessageDescription
103Early Hints103Early HintsStandard error for tasks requiring background preprocessing
1031Still preparing103Early HintsBackground task is still in progress. The results are not available yet. Please try again later.
200OK200OKSuccess message
2011Object created201Created
2021Task created202AcceptedThe background task has been created and should start in a few seconds.
400Bad Request400Bad Request
4001Action not supported400Bad RequestThe requested action is not supported.
4011Missing client credentials401UnauthorizedMissing client_id or incorrect credentials
4012Invalid client credentials401UnauthorizedIncorrect credentials
4013Missing user credentials401UnauthorizedMissing client_id or incorrect credentials
4014Invalid user credentials401UnauthorizedIncorrect credentials
4015Missing authorization header401UnauthorizedMissing token in authorization header.
4016Invalid token401UnauthorizedThe token is invalid, either used too early or expired, or not signed correctly.
4017Invalid OTP code401UnauthorizedThe provided OTP code is invalid.
4018Missing code401UnauthorizedMissing code token in reques
4019Invalid code401UnauthorizedThe code token is invalid, either used too early or expired, or not signed correctly.
4031Untrusted source403Forbidden
4032Invalid scope403Forbidden
4033ACL access denied403Forbidden
404404Not Found
405405Method Not Allowed
408408Request Timeout
411411Length Required
413413Content Too Large
416416Range Not Satisfiable
424424Failed Dependency
425425Too Early
429429Too Many Requests
500500Internal Server Error
501501Not Implemented
502502Bad Gateway
503503Service Unavailable
504504Gateway Timeout
507507Insufficient Storage


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