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  4. Objects


Objects list

Mavryx/ClientAuthenticationRepresents a client (application) that can log in to the system.
Mavryx/UserAuthenticationRepresents a user who can log in to the system.
Mavryx/AccountAccountsIt stores sensitive user data.
Mavryx/ProfileProfilesIt stores public user data.
Mavryx/ApplicationApplicationsIt represents an application.
Mavryx/OrganisationOrganisationsRepresents a organisation
Storage/BucketStorageRepresents files bucket
Storage/DataObjectStorageRepresents a file data
Mavryx/ThirdParty/Mhra/SubmissionS2SRepresents a MHRA submission

Fields naming conventions

The adopted naming convention for object field naming in Maveryx is Snake Case.

Snake_case is a variable naming convention where each word is in lowercase and separated by underscores. It is also known as pothole_case.

Standard fields

Filed nameJSON TypeTypeNullableRelatedDescription
uuidstringMavryx/Types/UuidObject identifier
typestringMavryx/Types/StringObject type
deleted_timeintegerMavryx/Types/DateTimeYesIs visible only if HTTP header mavryx-access-mode is set to all
is_deletedbooleanMavryx/Types/BooleanYesIs visible only if HTTP header mavryx-access-mode is set to all


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