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  3. Mavryx API Reference
  4. Responses


The Mavryx platform responds to every request in JSON format and always includes two basic fields: header and response.


Field NameTypeDescription
versionMavryx/Types/IntegerMicroservice API version
endpointMavryx/Types/StringThe responding endpoint (typically the one that was called).
refererMavryx/Types/StringRequester who called the endpoint.
raycastMavryx/Types/StringRequest tracking identifier
request_idMavryx/Types/StringRequest identifier
response_idMavryx/Types/StringResponse identifier
statusMavryx/Types/IntegerResponse status (the response code may not comply with HTTP error codes).
messageMavryx/Types/StringResponse message


Field NameTypeDescription
response_typeConstIt defines whether a single object, a list of objects, or a basic type has been returned. The possible values are: list, item, simple
typeObject Type or Simple TypeThe type of the returned object
itemObjectIf a single object is returned, this field contains information about it.
listMavryx/Types/ArrayIf a list of objects is returned, this field contains the list of objects.
valueThe value of the returned primitive type

Example response

  "header": {
    "version": 20240101,
    "endpoint": "/oauth2/user/me",
    "referer": "https://swagger-dev.mavryx.software",
    "raycast": "1b1453327a1f84c766e0208b4b3ad998",
    "request_id": "f095ae90e2e201884ec0de8e6cb65614",
    "response_id": "20b887831d578eb36852392bf68895d8",
    "status": 200,
    "message": "OK"
  "response": {
    "type": "item",
    "item": {
      "uuid": "c940b0ba-d81d-4739-9872-ca762b57ef69",
      "type": "Mavryx/User",      
      "client_id": "john.doe@somwhere.com",
      "account_uuid": "27eed955-4473-4319-ba2f-c7a49e40a978"


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